At the Ohio State Fair, August, photo by Sandra Feen
Best of all this summer, I’ve been overjoyed to connect with new friends and to reconnect
with dear friends I’ve missed seeing for two and a half years. Jack & Kathleen Burgess, Chilicothe, OH, July

Jo Ann Buzulencia & her photograph (I wrote an ekphrastic poem about it)
Youngstown, July
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The Poetry Intensives I’m attending each month in Youngstown has turned me on to a lot of new adventures in poetry, and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to meet so many new friends. * * *
Inkubator in Cleveland was fantastic. I attended the sessions
Word Weaving and the Web by Diane Kendig, Jeremy Jusek, Raja Belle Freeman & Laura Kincer
The Music of Poems by Robert Milter & Molly Fuller
How to Grow a Multi-Faceted Diamond: Writing the Poem Sequence by Rikki Santer, Rose Smith, Sandra Feen, & Linda Fuller-Smith
All three sessions were fascinating and informative.
I’m really looking forward to Lit Youngstown’s Fall Literary Festival next month (October) — I’ll be presenting a talk on ways to be inventive when giving poems and books titles. All of the sessions sound interesting. I’d love to see you there!
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I’m happy and grateful to have poems accepted for the following publications; many thanks to the editors for giving my poems a home!
Slipstream — “Up the Mountain”
Gasconade Review — “Ice Cubes”
“What You Need”
An as-yet-untitled David Bowie tribute anthology (Sybaritic Press) — “Serious Moonlight”
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I was thrilled to have been a part of these events — a huge thank you to the hosts for inviting me!
The Edith Chase Symposium Birds of the Cuyahoga reading — KSU Architecture Building, Kent, OH
Lit Youngstown Celebrates 40 Years of the Women’s Artist Show at the YWCA, Youngstown, OH
Visible Voice Books, Cleveland, OH — featured reading along with Diane Vogel Ferri, Steve Thomas, and Barbara Marie Minney
Noise Complaint at The Warehouse in Portsmouth, OH
The Poetry Showcase at the 2022 Ohio State Fair
30th Annual Erie’s Blues & Jazz Festival as part of the 100 Thousand Poets for Change, Erie, PA — Thasia Lunger had the brilliant idea for the "slide" photo!
and two I Thought I Heard a Cardinal Sing readings, one in Marietta, OH, and one in Lewis Center, OH, with one upcoming in Coshocton, OH, next month (October)

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I was amazed to discover (through Google; yes, I Google myself) that I have an IMDb listing! It’s because I contributed some photographs to the documentary “Twisted Sisters - Go to Daddy.” Sadly, they were of a local woman who was murdered by her mother. The young woman had read at open mic for the Lix & Kix Poetry Extravaganza (co-hosted by John Burroughs and me) some years ago, and you know me — I’m always taking photographs.
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I’ve continued to write poems for my manuscript titled Flight of Honey, including the titular poem, along with two ekphrastic poems, a poem about Elyria (where I live), and a poem about my husband having an “otherworldly experience.” Who knows where my mind will wander next?
I leave you with this sage observation:
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