It's National Poetry Month, and this time next week, I'll be flexing my creative muscles and preparing for battle in the
5th Not-Exactly-Annual Haiku Death Match!

The Haiku Death Match, sponsored by Heights Arts Collaborative, Inc., will be held at the Dobama Theater, 2340 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, OH, on Saturday, April 8, 2017, at 7 P.M.!
In this Death Match, eight poets will fiercely compete against each other with haiku (meditative, seventeen-syllable poems): "the audience votes for the poems they like best, competitors are eliminated, and the last poet standing is the winner. It's poetry, theater, talent show, and a jousting match rolled into one."
"The poets in the ring will have to fight hard for the trophy. In the first half of the Death Match, poets will read their contemporary haiku on the subjects: personal relationships, politics, animals in our life, the daily grind, and all things Cleveland. Poets with the hightest scores advance to the second half, in which they will read only classical, nature -oriented haiku. The winner of the classical round is declared the 2017 Haiku Death Math Master."
My competitive warrior name is the Strawberry Stormbringer, and I will be going up against some worthy and intimidating adversaries. Oh yes, and their blades will be wicked-sharp, I'm certain! But the Stormbringer intends to huff, and puff, and blow down their houses!
"Returning champions and contestants include Dianne Borsenik, poet and founder of NightBallet Press, Michael Ceraolo, retired firefighter/paramedic and writer, Celeste McCarty, artist and performer, Ray McNiece, actor, poet, and former Haiku Death Match champion, Mary Turzillo, poet, science fiction writer, and fencing champion, Geoffrey Landis, NASA physicist, poet, and science fiction writer. A few Death Match 'virgins' have entered the fray as well, including Christine Donofrio, artist, writer, and film maker, and Cordelia Eddy, 'zine writer and East Coast ex-pat."
(Quotes are from the event posting at Heights Arts.)
You can make a difference by voting for your favorite competitor through a donation to the cause, or you can buy a ticket and become a part of the Haiku Death Match by audience! The funds will help raise money to support Heights Arts Poet Laureate program and its Ekphrastacy series. Tickets ($15) can be purchased at the door, or online at Heights Arts.
This amazing and entertaining event will blaze across the Dobama stage next Saturday night...please come and support me, and join in the fun and fury of the 5th Not-Exactly-Annual Haiku Death Match! I'd truly love to see you there!
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